coefficient adj. 共同作用的。 n. 1.共同作用;协同因素。 2.【数,物】系数,率;程度。 coefficient of absorption 吸收率[系数]。 coefficient of expansion 膨胀系数。 coefficient of displacement 排水量[系数]。
Research on one - order differential coefficient estimation based on kalman filtering 滤波的一阶微分参量估计方法的研究
Application of method of undetermined coefficient in proof of existence of differential coefficient median 待定系数法在证明微分中值存在性问题中的应用
Determination of formaldehyde in the food by single sweep polarography with two orders of differential coefficient 二阶导数单扫描示波极谱法测定食品中甲醛的含量
Under the integral control mode , the same simulation results are got with the difference integral and differential coefficient when the step load happens 在积分控制工作方式下,取不同的积分、微分系数,在负载阶跃变化时得到了与模拟控制相同的仿真波形。
The jacobian matrix of the 6 - prrs parallel robot has been computed by two methods . one is differential coefficient based on symbol operation , the other is vector construction 对于6 - prrs并联机器人的雅可比矩阵,分别使用了基于符号运算的微分构造法和矢量构造法进行求解,并验证了两种方法的正确性。
Telecommunication is completed by the unit of communication which is connected to the net of china mobile . soft of detecting of ecg in a real time based on differential coefficient in the microprocessor is designed 在通信单元中,单片机以一定的数据格式将数据传输至通信模板,利用通信模板接入中国移动通信网,实现了心电的远程传输。
It is nothing else than the division , the summing and the ratio of the intuitionistic continuun that become the basic manner in which newton and leibnitz established their universal differential coefficient and integral arithmetic 正是对这个直观连续统的分割、求和、求比成为牛顿和莱布尼茨建立他们的普遍的微分和积分算法的基本方式。
This dissertation uses the theory of differential coefficient and makes a amending arithmetic modeling which get amending curve through dealing with the collected data . according to the amending curve , realize potentiometer auto - measuring and amending 通过对采集到的电阻数据进行处理,获得修刻时所需的控制量,为电位计的非线性误差测量和修刻提供了依据。
In the text , differential coefficient method and numerical value differential coefficient method have been introduced for crank slide block machine accuracy analysis , and influence of the fitting clearance of moving pair to component moving error has been given 文章介绍了微分法及数值微分法曲柄滑块机构精度分析,说明了运动副的配合间隙对构件运动误差的影响。
( 2 ) according to the willis ' s method of mechanism conversion , the speed ratio formula is deduced . the instantaneous speed ratio formula is deduced by differential coefficient , and the condition of preserving it is deduced ( 2 )用willis转化机构法求出了活齿端面谐波齿轮传动装置的传动比,并用微分的方法分析、求得了瞬时传动比,得出了保证瞬时传动比恒定的条件。
In mathematics, the differential coefficient of a function f(x) is what is now called its derivative df(x)/dx, the (not necessarily constant) multiplicative factor or coefficient of the differential dx in the differential df(x).